Old film has passed its expiration date. Get your digital copies now
Our Digital Transfer Service takes approximately 20 working days from the day we receive your media. Occasionally we need extra time to process your order due to the size, running promotions or public holidays.
We take great pride and care in transferring your cherished memories into digital formats
Select the type of service(s) you want from the scanning or transfer options above
Place your order & we'll send you a shipping kit with instructions & postage labels
Return the kit to us via the post office. This is a tracked service and prepaid by us
Now we do the work! Sit back & relax until you receive your new & old media back
Bring your family history back to life
Most family treasures can't be duplicated and shared, but with our Digital Transfer Service, you can make it happen with old photos, slides, family videos and more. Simply select the media type that you have, and want to transfer. Once you've added this to your basket, use our additional services to request extra copies. Once transferred, your family history can be enjoyed by all those who are part of it, safe in the knowledge that there are multiple copies.
Order extra copiesIf you want to transfer multiple photos or slides, we can scan them in any order you like. If you just send them to us in the shipping kit without any note, we will scan them in the order they are stacked. If you want them in a particular order, please just send a little note or label the photos so that we can make sure they appear in the order you wish! We don't know your memories like you do, so please give us a helping hand!
Photo Scanning ServicesLet us try and answer any questions you still have
When you place an order, you can choose a UK delivery address of your choice. You will receive an email confirming your order is being processed, and we will send a shipping kit for you to return your media in. You will receive this approximately 2 - 3 working days after you place your order. You can then return this to us, via the post office, at your own convenience. This is a tracked and pre-paid service by us. When the kit arrives with us, we will process your order and send both the old and new media back to you when it is complete. We will email you to confirm when your order has been dispatched and is on its way back to you.
When you place your order, we will send you a shipping kit within 2 - 3 working days. You can return this via the post office, at your own convenience. Our supplier then counts the service time from the day they receive your media. This timeframe is currently around 20 working days, for the order to be processed and returned to you. Due to the nature of the service, we cannot control when orders are returned to us, so if a high number of orders are returned all at once, this may affect the turnaround time on your order. Please note that our teams work incredibly hard to complete your orders as quickly as possible.
We support 16mm or 8mm format. With regard to 8mm - we transfer standard/ single 8 and super 8. The price just varies depending on the length of film that you would like transferred, and the new media type - e.g. DVD or USB. If you are not sure exactly what length your cine film is, then just apply the best guess when you order. We will contact you if you have under/ over paid, to correct this.
We are able to transfer the following types of video to DVD or USB: VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C, Mini DV, Hi8, Digital 8, 8mm video, Betamax, V2000 and MicroMV. The cost of this service is charged per tape, so if you have more than one, just amend the quantity in your basket, and we can transfer each tape to your chosen media type. This applies regardless of the length of the content, due to the processes in production.
We all have old family history stored around the house; boxes in lofts, albums in cupboards or drawers, old tapes and reels gathering dust. As technology moves on, and time eats away at this ageing media, the content becomes less and less accessible. Our Digital Transfer Service allows you to capture that history before it disappears, and bring it within reach of modern devices.
Relive your memorable moments from yesteryear, by having your images from negatives, slides and photos professionally scanned to DVD and USB, while cherished videos, cine film, and audio tapes can also be transferred to CD, DVD and USB, allowing your treasured collections to be sustained and enjoyed for many years to come. Better yet, our add-on Service allows you to make multiple copies of your digitised media to create spares or even a gift for a loved one to treasure.